Distributive Justice in the Education Service of Sri Lanka: An Analysis of Education Statistics from 2002 to 2016

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2454–6186

Distributive Justice in the Education Service of Sri Lanka: An Analysis of Education Statistics from 2002 to 2016

Dhammika P. Withanage

IJRISS Call for paper

 Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Abstract:-The aim of this paper was to identify how far Sri Lanka has been successful in achieving social justice in provision of education service to the children through the public sector schools. The study based on quantitative secondary data and a set of measures to show the distributive justice. The study found that although Sri Lanka shows an improvement in the distributive justice in education service, there is still a big gap between the prevailing and the necessary situations. It was also found that even if the war adversely affected the availability of education resources in the Northern and Eastern areas, it has not reflected from the national level examination results of the students. The pupil-teacher ratio has not been significant in determining the students’ performance since the percentage of untrained teachers is high in some provinces. Although it shows lower enrollments of female students at Grade 1, there is no evidence to show that females are getting lower access to resources compared to males. Finally, the study shows that the education sector needs rigorous reforms to establish the procedural justice so that it lays the foundation for the distributive justice.

Key words: Social justice, distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, education service.


Education is the dominant sector that can change the society and the economy of a country. It can transform the human beings into valuable human capital in many forms. At present, the World in one hand needs the accelerated growth while the adverse effects of growth are to curtail on the other. Furthermore, the development concepts such as sustainable development, inclusive development, and national cohesion show the theoretical underpinnings for the education policy framework. The economies are to be accelerated while adopting and protecting the guidelines based on these principles.